Friday, December 16, 2011

Kawajiri Lab Research Spring 2012

The Kawajiri research group specializes in modeling, process design, optimization, and bioseparations (chromatography). We are looking for undergraduate researchers who are interested in pursuing the following projects over multiple semesters. If you are interested, please send (1) your CV (2) expected graduation date and (3) the project you are interested in to Prof. Kawajiri (

Project descriptions:

1.    Optimization of simulated moving bed chromatography model using MATLAB
Simulated moving bed chromatography is a widely used separation process in the food, petrochemical, and pharmaceutical industries.We will develop a software package for this process using MATLAB. 


 1. Completed or currently taking CHBE 3200 Transport Processes I.
 2. GPA over 3.2 preferred.
 3. Interested in pursuing this project for credits in Spring or Summer 2012, and continuing it for further credits or pay.

Graduate student supervisor: Gaurav Agrawal (

2.     Experimental study of simulated moving bed chromatography

In this project, the student will develop a mathematical model that describes SMB chromatography. The student must be interested in mathematical modeling of separation processes.


 1. Completed or currently taking CHBE 2120 Numerical Methods.
 2. GPA over 3.2 preferred.
 3. Interested in pursuing this project for credits in Spring or Summer 2012, and continuing it for further credits or pay.

Graduate student supervisor: Jason Bentley (

Monday, December 12, 2011

Operations Internships For Fall Graduates

BusinessWeek and The Princeton Review have recognized Abbott’s Internship
Program as one of the best internship programs in the nation. An internship at Abbott
provides meaningful professional hands-on experience to students with proven
academic performance and leadership potential. Abbott hires students majoring in
engineering, supply chain, life sciences, and environmental health & safety (EH&S)
fields into the internship program based on business needs. Ideal candidates will
combine technical and business knowledge with analytical strength and creative
problem solving abilities.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Student Government Representative CHBE Opening

Apply to Serve as a Student Government Representative

SGA representatives play a role in allocating the nearly $5 million
Student Activity Fee budget and also serve as advocates for the students
within their school or program on a variety of campus issues. Meetings of
the Undergraduate House are held weekly on Tuesdays at 7:30 PM. Students
selected for these positions will serve for the remainder of the spring

If you are interested in applying for the position, please visit
information on SGA and on the role of the Undergraduate House of
Representatives can also be found on our website, Applications are accepted on a
rolling basis, so I hope that you will apply for this position soon. If
you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email Speaker of the
House, Brooke McDaniel, at

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Bommarius Lab Research Spring 12

Research Positions for Undergraduates, Spring term 2012

The Bommarius lab seeks undergraduate students interested in challenging research!

The Bommarius laboratory (ChBE, CHEM, Bioengineering) specializes in biocatalysis, green chemistry, protein stability, and biochemical engineering.  We seek self-motivated, hard-working student researchers interested to continue for a PhD and/or MD after college, to work on cutting-edge research problems and to learn new skills.

i)       graduation date (B.S.) between 05/13 and 08/14 in BIOL, BMED, CEE, ChBE, or CHEM
ii)      GPA at Georgia Tech > 3.30, preferably > 3.5
iii)     basic laboratory skills, enthusiasm, self-motivation, flexibility, independence
iv)     start in Spring 2012 for credit, continuation during summer 2012 possible and expected

Interested?:    Please email resume (incl. i) major, ii) GPA, and iii) expected graduation date) to mentor and to Prof. Andreas S. Bommarius (

Interviews with mentor:       any time; feedback: less than 1 day later; decision asap after agreement among student, mentor, and faculty advisor

We have a position available on the following projects:

Monday, December 5, 2011

Atlanta Summer Research Opportunity

The Center for Behavioral Neuroscience would like to announce an exciting undergraduate research program for the summer of 2012 – Behavioral Research Advancements In Neuroscience (BRAIN).

BRAIN 2012 consists of a 10-week neuroscience summer research and education experience.  The program begins with an intensive week-long course in neuroscience followed by a 9-week apprenticeship in an Atlanta-area research laboratory.  Accepted Fellows will be working at Spelman College, Morehouse College, Morehouse School of Medicine, Emory University, Georgia Institute of Technology, or Georgia State University. Students will be engaged in various areas of research including but not limited to molecular or cellular level investigations in laboratories, working with small animals, and collecting data from outdoor field sites.  In addition to their laboratory research placements, Fellows participate in weekly professional development workshops and lectures by guest speakers. Students are paid a stipend for the summer and provided housing at Emory University.

The online application is available November 1, 2011. Other application details can be found at: 

We are looking for undergraduate candidates who are enthusiastic, hard-working, detail-oriented, and who want to engage in cutting edge neuroscience research.  Please forward this email to your students so they may have the chance to apply.

The deadline for applications is January 13, 2011.

Thank you very much for you time, and please email me if you have any questions!

Elizabeth A. Weaver II, M.S.

Neuroscience Education Specialist 
Neuroscience Institute
Georgia State University

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Winding Down

As if you did not already know,  we are reaching the end of the semester which means finals week.  Good luck to all and check the registrar's site here if you need schedules:

Registrar Calendar

Remember that PHASE II registration starts January 4th and runs through the first week of the Spring semester.  Start checking schedules and your email the week before school starts as you will undoubtedly be receiving waitlist and important update notices. Do not hesitate to email the advisors if you have questions, we just ask you to be patient and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Happy Holidays everyone!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays Everyone!

From everyone here in the Undergrad Advising Office to all in CHBE.  Please stay safe and have a fantastic holiday.  We'll see you next week!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Summer Internship 3M

Please see the following:

3M  has an opening for a summer intern in our 3M Decatur, AL manufacturing plant for a chemical engineer

An undergraduate student, who has completed their sophomore year, is preferred for this position.

Interested students can go to, click on Search Jobs and type in 1108296 in the Job ID section.  This will pull up the internship for them to apply

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Summer School Opportunity

San Jose State University, San Jose, CA
Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, Long Island, NY
June 10, 2012 through July 20, 2012

The Division of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology of the American Chemical Society (ACS) is sponsoring two INTENSIVE six-week Summer Schools in Nuclear and Radiochemistry for undergraduates. Funding is provided by the US Department of Energy.

Fellowships include a stipend of $4000, all tuition and fees, transportation to and from the Summer School location, housing, books, and laboratory supplies. Transferable college credit will be awarded through the ACS accredited chemistry programs at San Jose State University (7 units) or the State University of New York at Stony Brook (6 units).

Candidates should be undergraduates with an interest in nuclear science who are presently in their sophomore or junior year of study at a US college or university. They should have completed at least two years of chemistry, one year of physics and one year of calculus. Applicants must be US citizens.

Completed applications must be received no later than February 1, 2012. Each Summer School is limited to 12 students. Announcement of awards will be made in mid March 2012.

The course will consist of lectures on the fundamentals of nuclear science, radiochemistry, and their applications in related fields. Laboratory work will introduce you to state-of-the-art instrumentation and technology used routinely in basic and applied nuclear science. In addition to the formal instruction, the course will include a Guest Lecture Series and tours of nearby research centers at universities and National Laboratories. Students will meet and interact with prominent research scientists from universities and the DOE national labs who are working in nuclear and radiochemistry, nuclear medicine, nuclear forensics, and related fields.

Participants in the 2012 Summer Schools will be encouraged to join a research project during the following summer at a university or federal research institution. Considerable personal assistance will be provided to secure summer positions and admission to PhD and MD programs at leading universities.
An “Outstanding Student” is selected from each summer school site. These students will be invited to attend the following spring national meeting of the American Chemical Society with all expenses paid.

For more information contact:
Prof. J. David Robertson, Director
Nuclear & Radiochemistry Summer Schools
Department of Chemistry
University of Missouri
Columbia, MO 65211
Tel: 573/882-5346 Fax: 573/882-2754

On-line application forms are available at:

Monday, November 14, 2011

Fellowship Info Sessions for Students

Tuesday November 15th, 11:00 am, Clough Commons 205

Undergraduate and graduate students are invited to learn how to apply for a Fulbright award. Students may apply as seniors, master’s students, or during the early stages of doctoral work. Awards are available in 140 countries and may be for research, graduate study, or English Teaching assistantships (ETAs).

At this session Georgia Tech students who have held Fulbrights will tell about their experiences, and Fellowships Office advisors will discuss how to get started and what needs to be done now to apply next fall for awards that begin during 2013-14.

Applicants must be US citizens.

Campus Contacts:             
Dr. Kathryn Meehan ( or Dr. Karen Adams (

Thursday, November 17th, 6:00 pm, Clough Commons 205
Free pizza will be provided.

First-year students, sophomores, and juniors are invited to learn about award opportunities.  These awards provide funding assistance for undergraduate education, study abroad opportunities, and more.  Fellowship Office advisors will discuss award information, eligibility, and how to apply for the Goldwater Scholarship, Udall Scholarship, and Boren Scholarship.  Please join us to learn about these exciting opportunities.

Campus Contacts:             
Dr. Kathryn Meehan ( or Dr. Karen Adams (