There have been a couple of updates concerning the Senior Design split so i thought I would repost an article we wrote a few months back wiht the changes made. Please see below:
As I'm sure many of you have heard by now there are definitely some
changes being made to senior design. The biggest of those changes being
that the course is being split from 1 three hours semester course, to 2
two hours semester courses.
Starting Fall 2012: (Maybe Fall 2013 at Earliest)
The old CHBE 4505 Process Design & Economics will become:
CHBE 4510 Proc/Prod Design & Economics (lecture portion) --- offered in Fall and Spring
CHBE 4520 Design Project (actual design portion) --- offered Spring and Summer
Updated pre-req chart standard option
Updated pre-req chart Biotech option
this time ChBE faculty are still deciding on whether the 4510 portion
will be a pre-req or a co-req for the CHBE 4530 portion. (Basically we
have to determine whether we will allow you to take both courses in the
spring, which honestly defeats the purpose of splitting them into two
semesters in the first place.)
and 4520 will be offered as CO-REQUISITES at this time. Although there
has been discussion to change this to a pre-req requirement, no further
action has been taken (6/5/2012)
3210 3225 & 4300 will continue to be pre-requisites for the CHBE
4510 portion and CHBE 4515 Safety will be a CO-requisite of the CHBE
4520 design portion.
Feel free to ask any questions concerning these changes and keep an eye on this blog for future updates.