Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Fall 2012 Employer Diversity Panel

Thursday, November 29, 2012
11:00 AM
Clary Theater (in the Bill Moore Student Success Center)

Come and hear from a panel of employers to:
  • Learn about their companies and the opportunities within
  • Find out how to best market yourself
  • Learn about traits and characteristics of the people they hire
  • Understand the importance of diversity in their organizations

Featured employers include:

  • Google
  • Deloitte
  • GE
  • Newell Rubbermaid
  • Siemens
HAVE LUNCH WITH THE PANEL MEMBERS!  Network with employers and enjoy a free lunch on us!  Sit and chat with employers to gain additional insight during the networking luncheon immediately following the panel.

If you would like to attend the Networking Luncheon portion of the event, you MUST RSVP to:  Andrea Johns at no later than 11/27/12.  We hope to see you there!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Registration issues: No New Seats

There are several CHBE classes with students on a wait list.  PLEASE NOTE:  if there are multiple sections of a given class, and there are seats available in any section of the class, NO ADDITIONAL SEATS will be added!  If you need a particular class to progress in your program, you should register for the open seats rather than remain on the wait list.  This may require re-working your schedule. 
There is NO GUARANTEE of  class availability for students on a wait list.  To accommodate our students most of our core classes are offered every quarter, and many of them have multiple sections each quarter.  It is incumbent upon you to be as flexible as possible with your schedules and prioritize your CHBE classes.  If there are specific issues which are unique in your situation, please feel free to contact me for assistance.

Phase I Registration ends

The deadline for Spring schedule changes during Phase I registration is Friday, November 16 at 4pm.  After this, you will be unable to make schedule updates or changes until Phase II registration, which opens on Wednesday, January 2. 

Engineers for a Sustainable World meeting

Engineers for a Sustainable World will have another general meeting today, Thursday, November 15th from 11-12 in IC (Instructional Center) 211. The speaker will be Dr. Kimberly Kurtis, and the topic will be the 'Role of Cement and Concrete in Sustainability.' We will also be distributing t-shirts for dues-paying members. And, of course, there will be FREE PIZZA!

We welcome undergraduate and graduate students in all engineering backgrounds who have research interests in sustainable areas to learn more about Dr. Kurtis's project proposal and ESW. Come hear about how you can get involved in some other exciting projects as well!

We can't wait to see you there!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


ChBE 4803/8803: Applied Spectroscopy
Prerequisites: Chem 3412 (Undergrad) or ChBE 6300 (Grad)
CRN: 29896 (Undergraduate) and CRN: 29899 (Graduate)
Instructor: Prof. Filler

Q: I’m a chemical engineer, why should I care about spectroscopy?
A: Good question! Spectroscopy underlies a myriad of common measurement techniques in areas as diverse as bioimaging, forensics, oil recovery, catalyst characterization, electronic materials fabrication, atmospheric chemistry, etc. Spectroscopy is essential for the modern chemical engineer.  It’s all around us! 

This class will allow you to answer these important questions:
1) “What information is encoded in the spectra of atoms and molecules?”
2) “How can spectroscopy help me understand the nature of a chemical, biological, or materials system?”
3) “What technique is most appropriate for my area(s) of interest/study?”

To register, students must request a Permit through OSCAR.  Questions? Contact Dr. Michael A. Filler (

Monday, November 12, 2012

Medical Device Entrepreneurship Association (MDEA)

The Georgia Tech Medical Device Entrepreneurship Association (GT MDEA) is a newly started association which aims to provide appropriate resources and networking tools for any student interested in becoming medical device entrepreneurs. 
Our main club goals include: 
  • To provide resources for the educational development of students in medical device company development process 
  • To provide networking opportunities for students 
  • To provide good mentorship for students interested in entrepreneurship 
  • To provide opportunities for collaborating any research work with entrepreneurship
To learn more about our club please visit our website   We are planning to host an info session for interested students about our future events.  The info session will be held at Klaus 1447 from 6:00- 7:00 pm on the 15th November. Food will be provided at the event.  Any questions can be referred to Hyeonjin Kwon,

Friday, November 9, 2012

CHBE 3210 Transport II waitlist

For Spring 2013 there are many students who have waitlisted for CHBE 3210 Transport II, MWF 8am.  Please consider these facts as the end of Phase I registration aproaches:
  • CHBE 3210 is a prerequisite or co-requisite for CHBE 3225 Separations and CHBE 4300 Kinetics.  If you are waitlisted for 3210, you cannot register for open seats in 3225 or 4300.
  • You can waitlist for 3225 or 4300, but if a seat opens, you will NOT be able to register until you are also registered for 3210.
  • There are seats available in CHBE 3210, CRN 26029, MWF 9am.  We will NOT add more seats to a section IF there are seats available in another section.
I encourage you to review your scheduling options and consider registering for any section in which seats are available.  Phase I registration ends on Friday, November 16 at 4pm.  Phase II registration opens on January 2, 2013.  Remaining on a waitlist does NOT guarantee you a seat in a class.

Registration Tips: Variable Hours

So, you are planning to do research this semester, and you have turned in your signed approval form from your professor.  You receive the email notification that you can now register for the course.
When you register for a variable hour course (i.e. research), the registration will default to 1 hour; it is your responsibility to change the hours based on the agreement you have made with your supervising professor.  Your advisor CANNOT change the hours for you.

How do I change the number of hours for a variable hour course?
  1. Log into Buzzport
  2. On the Home tab locate the "REGISTRATION AND STUDENT SERVICES" channel
  3. Select the "Registration - OSCAR" link
  4. Select "Student Services & Financial Aid"
  5. Select "Registration"
  6. Select "Add/Drop Classes"
  7. Select "Term"
  8. Select "Change Course Options" at the bottom of screen
  9. Enter the desired number of hours.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Do you Tweet?

There is an ongoing debate about how to get information to students that is timely and in a format that works for you.

  • We use email--and so does everyone else--so you have learned to ignore email.  
  • The Student Advisory Board (SAB) sends out an eNewsletter with information about activities, events and opportunities. It is sent to your inbox, so we don't know if it goes the way of your other email.
  • We started this blog as a place where Your Beloved Advisor could post pertinent information regarding advising, registration, and academic support--in addition to activities, events, and opportunities of interest to CHBE students could be posted.  Of course, it is only useful if you are a follower or you seek out this information!
  • So, if I were a student bombarded with too much information, what would be the best way to let me know tidbits of information that I might need or really appreciate?  The answer I am hearing most often is Twitter--it's short, it's sweet, it probably goes directly to your phone, and if you need more details, there would be a link to either the ChBE blog or ChBE Home page.
Did you know that there is ChBE Twitter account:  ChBE @ Georgia Tech, @GTChBE.  If you think this form of communication would work for you, become a Follower or let me know your thoughts.  We will try it out and see what kind of feedback is received!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Looking for a Technical elective?

This course will fulfill a Technical elective and has no restrictions that I can see!

MSE 3803: Special Topics: Optics and Soft Materials

* Lecture: MW 1:05 - 1:55 pm. MRDC 3515
* Lab Sections:
A: Tues. 12:05-2:55 pm, BH 357
B: Tues. 3:05-5:55 pm, BH 357
C: Thurs. 12:05-2:55 pm, BH 357
D: Thurs. 3:05-5:55 pm, BH 357

* Prerequisite: None !
* An elective course for Spring 2013.
* An inquiry-guided lab course for UG.
* Optical microscope is the only tool to use
* Open to everyone, but only up to first 12 students per lab section!

Examples of the Labs to Explore
1) Reintroduction to your first scientific tool: Light microscopy
2) Why is the sky blue?: Scattering and diffraction (1d & 2d) from the materials
3) Demonstration of phase transitions, nucleation and growth: Breath figures, a model system for chemical vapor deposition
4) Liquid crystals and LCD: A soft condensed matter system displaying a variety of defects, phase transitions, and morphologies
5) Polymer crystallization
6) Photonics in nature and structural colors: Butterfly wing scales using reflection microscopy

For more information, contact:
Prof. Mohan Srinivasarao: 404-894-9348,
Dr. Jung Ok Park: 404-894-6528,

Monday, November 5, 2012

Some thoughts on waitlists...

There are many questions about how wait listing works for a class, so here are a few thoughts:

Waitlisting allows departments to see which classes are in demand, and hopefully, adjust the schedule by either adding seats to current sections or adding sections.  If you need a class and it's full, add yourself to the waitlist!  Keep in mind that this doesn't guarantee you a seat, but it's a good idea, especially in Phase I.

Here's a good rule of thumb to use:  If there is even 1 person waitlisted but there are 20 open seats...  you cannot take one of those open seats.  You must wait in line.  Classes with waitlisting cannot be "stalked".  Do NOT jump off the waitlist and try to grab a seat if you see one open--you won't get it and you will lose your place in line.

Think of it this way.  You go into a restaurant and see 10 open tables. You ask the hostess for a table but are told you cannot have one because there is a waitlist. You must go on the list behind the others already waiting, as they will get their chance for the table first.  At the restaurant this is typically about 5-10 minutes.  If they do not answer, then the next person on the list goes.  Here at Tech you get 12 hours to answer for your "table". (class)

You cannot waitlist for multiple sections of a class, so pick the one that would work with your schedule if a seat opens.  Remember: if you get the email which says a section has a seat, you have 12 hours in which to register.  To register, go to the add/drop worksheet and enter the CRN # of the class and click Submit Changes.  (The C will not go away, so you can't click the box and register...)

Friday, November 2, 2012

Social Enterprise Career and Internship Fair

Please consider attending the Social Enterprise Career and Internship Fair on Wednesday, November 7 from 11-2pm, Student Center Ballroom.  This is a very unique fair dedicated to bringing together passionate and service minded students with innovative organizations in the social sector.   For a list of social enterprises and nonprofits with volunteer and paid positions please go to:  If you have any questions about the Fair please email Maya Carrasquillo (, president of the Enterprise to Empower student group organizing the fair.

Boeing Materials and Process Engineering presentation

The Boeing Company will be on campus Wednesday, November 7, 2012 for a technical presentation on Materials and Process Engineering.  They are interested in recruiting students interested in this area. 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Marcus Nanotechnology Building, Room 1116

Presented by Barton Moenster, Director, Advanced Manufacturing R&D, and John Griffith, Senior Tech Fellow, Materials and Fabrication Technology

Registration issues: Permits

Many of you are asking about the process for requesting a permit when you get a major restriction or other message where a permit or override is required. 

Each department manages its own classes and schedules, and each department has differing policies on how they will handle permits.  I only manage permits for CHBE courses.  The best place to go to find out about a particular department's policies is  

If the instructions require you to request your permit via OSCAR, you should:
  1. Log into Buzzport
  2. On the Home tab locate the "REGISTRATION AND STUDENT SERVICES" channel
  3. Select the "Registration - OSCAR" link
  4. Select "Student Services & Financial Aid"
  5. Select "Registration"
  6. Select "Registration Override Request"

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Registration Issues: Corequisite Error message

This is the first semester that we are offering the new Thermo I class, CHBE 2130 (instead of the previous CHBE 2110).  The prerequisites for this class have not changed:  CHBE 2100 and BIOL 1510 (which can be either a prereq or coreq.)  In addition, most students elect to take CHBE 2120 Numerical and CHBE 2130 Thermo I concurrently.  HOWEVER, it is not required that the classes are taken concurrently.  Unfortunately, the new CHBE 2130 has been set up in the system with CHBE 2120 as a corequisite, and for now we are unable to change it. 

For this spring, any student who wishes to take either CHBE 2120 or CHBE 2130 without the other class will need to have a COREQ OVERRIDE entered to permit registration for only one.  If you are experiencing a problem with this, please send me an email and include your name, your GT ID# , and the class you wish to take (i.e. CHBE 2130).  I will check your record and enter the override if warranted.  You should receive an email after the override is entered which will permit you to complete your registration.

Registration Issues: GT ID# and Voice Mail messages

It is extremely important for you to include your GT ID# whenever you are corresponding with anyone at the institution about an issue with which you need assistance.  I receive both emails and phone calls where students: 1) don't provide their full name, 2) don't provide their GT ID#, or 3) email from personal accounts other than the official Georgia Tech assigned email address.  While I hope to learn all of you by name, please understand that to assist you, I have to access your records--which requires your GT ID#!  I suggest adding your GT ID# as part of your email signature for all official correspondence.

If you are calling for assistance and I am unable to answer the phone, please leave a detailed voice mail message (including your GT ID#) and the phone # at which you can be reached.  DO NOT continue to call repeatedly, time after time, and hang up when the call goes to voice mail.  This does not help you get through to someone any more quickly, and it disrupts the student appointments or meetings in progress (which is why the phone call can't be answered in the first place.)  Please conduct yourself professionally and leave a voice mail message.  Your message will be returned as soon as possible.

Registration issues: CHBE 4400 Process Control

The Spring class panic is in full swing, so I am going to try and address some of the issues about which I am hearing the most....

I understand that CHBE 4400 Chemical Process Control is full; there is a wait list building.  At this time the wait list is NOT full.  Here's what is going to happen: 

First, students who anticipate graduating in Spring 2013 and have submitted a graduation application will be prioritized on the wait list.  I anticipate this happening by early next week.  When this is done, a group of seats will be opened and the prioritized students will have the first opportunity to get registered. 

Second, students who anticipate graduating in Summer 2013 must send me an email (PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR GT ID#!).  After compiling the list of pending Summer graduations, the waitlist will once again be prioritized and additional seats opened.

NOTE:  If after reviewing your records it becomes clear you cannot graduate in the spring or summer, you will NOT be prioritized on the wait list.  Students will have to be flexible with their corresponding lab sections as I have limited control over this aspect.  Additionally, students who fail to let me know their graduation plans will not be prioritized.

I will do my best to sort this out throughout Phase I registration, but I must tell you that it may still be a "work in progress" during Phase II, so please bear with us as we do our best to accommodate those students who need the class the most.