Monday, March 26, 2012

Academic Support Opportunity for Fresh/Soph

There is an opportunity this weekend for Freshman and Sophomore students to attend a seminar by Miller Templeton in an effort to build positive study habits and raise GPAs.

Mr. Templeton is a renowned collegiate speaker and highly involved in Tech's President Scholar's Program. He is offering to give his academic talk to a non-PS and non-Honors crowd this Saturday on
How to Make the GPA You Want. Students will attend the lecture then participate in workshop groups with supporting material (surveys, clinical studies, calendar-making, etc).

This is a must-attend seminar for students who are performing poorly or in fear of losing HOPE Scholarship. Miller's techniques and teaching materials are supported by clinical trials and tested on a Tech population. For example:

Tech Freshmen who took the ABAS survey at least 12 times over the semester and had average scores of 85 had: 

an 80% probability of making at least 3.7 GPA and 
a 60% probability of making a 4.0 GPA

The seminar is free but requires online registration and spots are limited:

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